I wrote a nice email explaining that I had a scooter blog and riding group, and would be very interested to attend the show (especially the scooter pavilion) and then post about it.
From the people running the cycle show in DC in January:
Thank you for registering to attend the 2008-2009 Cycle World International Motorcycle Show® presented by Toyota. Unless you hear otherwise, you have been approved to attend the show as working media and your credential will be waiting for you at media check-in at the show entrance. If you are interested in doing any pre-event stories, please feel free to let us know and we can help you with any interviews, images, or information you may need leading up to the show. Please don’t hesitate to let us know should you have any other questions and we look forward to seeing you at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show® presented by Toyota.
Best Wishes, Shelbi Okumura, DeeDee Taft
Also, to my scooter friends, they have made mention of forth coming discounts I may pass along ... I'll keep you up to date on that.
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