To add to the fun, MB, Bryan, and I will be kicking Saturday Morning off with a little riding tutorial for Bryan, and then on to some serious scooter shopping.
Since my last post about this new scooter process, MB has told me that it will be Bryan riding to work and not her, however she suspects that she might want to join in the fun as well.
So now we set off in search for a ride that is predominantly comfortable to the 6'4ft Bryan, but also suitable to the 5'2ish MB. I imagine this will mean something big and strong enough for him, but just low enough for MB's feet to touch pavement without to much trouble. HAHA This was her complaint about my Vino, she could not comfortably put her feet down when stopped enough to feel stable.
Last night she tells me they are looking at the Buddy, so I assume she is referring to the 125 model.
So off to Motostrada, and Pete's tomorrow to find their ride!