So in the picture on the left you see the intersection of Roland Ave and Northern Parkway. If you know this morning commute, you know that Northern might as well be called Auto Bahn. My commute brings me south down Roland and I only cross this fiasco briefly and continue down my nice tree lined side streets. But this morning while sitting at the red light waiting to cross Northern, I saw driver jackassery that was truly worth noting.
Ok so at that light, the right hand turn from Southbound Roland onto Northern is restricted between 7am-4pm. The big sign clearly hanging above says, "no turn on red 7-4". Well it's about 7:15 at this point and the first guy in the line of about 10 cars making that turn is observing the rule... and then the honking begins. From the next lane over I turn to see what the honking is about, and to my disbelief the cars behind him are actually honking at him to go!?!? Eventually he caves to the pressure, makes the turn, and all the cars behind him proceed as well. I just sat there in disbelief, stunned, just sitting a lane away I was tempted to knock on the honking car's window and ask if they could read. It just blows me away how self involved and ridiculous people are that they are willing to put themselves, their passengers, and everyone else in danger for what, to get to work 45 seconds faster?
So to the string of cars who illegally turned right on red when the sign clearly told you no... Congrats, you are my first official bunch of driving jackasses!
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