It still amazes me, the power of the internet. I check my email about two weeks ago and up pops an email from a guy in Huntington Beach California. His name is Chris, he is an artist and designer, and was in the market for a scooter.
In this first email he asked the questions a first time scooter buyer would and should ask, and in the return I tried to offer the the best advice and opinions I could. And as of his second email, a few days back, Chris is now the proud owner of a Lance Vintage,

And if you also happen to be in the scooter market in Chris's neck of the woods, here is where he got it: TXX Motorsports in Anaheim CA. and if you need to talk scooters and art here is Chris.
It's just a cool thing I think when what you do for fun opens the world up, connects people who otherwise would never have even realized each other's existence, and allows people to grow share and help... it's kind of a proud feeling. Whoever said the internet was going to make us all hermits was a moron!
So congrats to Chris on his new ride, and I hope you'll send us pictures and updates, especially when the weather turns on us East Coasters and we're forced to pack it in for the winter, while you lucky West Coasters don't miss a beat!
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