A hardly noticeable difference in my blog today, but a big difference in my head for some reason. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you may notice the hit counter is gone. It took me a while to work up the nerve to do this, to remove that convenient little item that reassured me what I was doing here was important to someone other than myself. But maybe I have come to a realization that bloggers come to ... it's not about them, it's about me. It's a cathersis and an enjoyment ... not a popularity contest. It's time to blog for the love of the game.
A thought has been occuring to me lately the more and more I get sucked into social networking sites by friends ... that thought is ... I really I don't need to have my existence validated by friends by posting a status message on facebook every time I fart and having them comment. By nature I am very social, I love my friends and family, and to me they are what make my life as great as it is, but this "electronic existence status" is begining to wear on me ... frankly it can be exhausting!
So long story short ... I have come to the realization that this blog is for me, for my benefit, to document my experiences and memories ... a way of letting me out, and not the world in.
But of course a blog does let the world in. If this were truly an introspective venture, it would be in a photo album and on a paper journal in my office. So clearly there is desire to share life with those who share my interest. And when I think about it, I do want to share ... I want to "meet" those who share my interests and see and read about what they experience and share what I have.
I wonder if this is the just an ongoing struggle of duality that bloggers must bear?
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
1 month ago
1 comment:
It's certainly a familiar idea to me. From time to time I ask myself, "why am I blogging?". Lots of answers can swirl around in my head but when my feet are planted most firmly on the ground I know I write, ride, and make photographs as part of my own creative exploration. Sharing them on a blog is in part a stick to keep me working and not let inertia glue me to the couch and television set. If an audience finds use in what I contribute that is a plus on another level but not the driving one.
And since I don't monetize my blog I don't have that to attend to.
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
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