First ... This morning I watched a video segment on The Scooter Scoop posted from an Australian TV show featuring the the Vmoto Milan. It was interesting but I didn't think anything of investigating the scooter in the video. It looks nice and euro looking, but I just moved on.
Next ... I went a wandering on the web, and found a guy in Annapolis selling a nice looking scooter. Further investigation led me to search for Vmoto, and finding their hipster, grassroots-ey Genuine style website www.vmoto.com.au
Other results from the same web search brought up a link to Annapolis Scooters LLC which actually takes you to the domain http://www.vmotoscooters.net/, and a very crude website ... it's unclear to me wether this website is being wimsical or was made by a 5 year old. And I'm guessing said dealer is where said craigslister purchased the scoot they are now selling, for $1000.
So any thoughts on this company and its products?
I have to say my excitement over an Auzzie Scooter Company with a cool story, and a cool website, and some cool ads was a little dulled by a sentence in their company bio ...
"Our Motorcycles are manufactured to exacting standards in the Peoples Republic of China" ... a statement one might snicker at given it's ability to be read in the positive light they meant it, or the negative light a person who knows of Chinesse Scooter Reputations.
Never-the-less ... I'm not going to write-off a brand just for that ... and I am quite impressed with two of their more euro-styled models, the Milan 50cc and Montego 125cc. Perhaps a trip to the Annapolis Location is in order as Heidi and I will be down that way visiting.

All the being said ... being an Ad-Man myself, by career, I do appreciate their marketing!
I am always a fan of the clever, straighforward, simple ad, with the obvious and cheesy double-entendre ...

A redeeming little corner of the Vmoto AU website is their merchandise section. It's nice to see (and gives me a better feeling about) a company the takes the time to do a full branding and create accessories to complement not only their main product but the scooter lifestyle.
Accessorize VMoto Style
Looks identical to the old Vino 50
Don't buy from Annapolis V Moto. First off they don't even sell V Moto's, they sell TNG's. Furtherm, V Moto Annapolis is a rip-off. It all starts with George, the owner. He is an absolute shyster who has no regard for his customers or the work that they do. I recently took my scooter in to have it repaired by them. It took them over 5 weeks to even call me to let me know what the problem was. Then, when I went to pick it up they had added a charge for something they supposedly did after they said it was fixed. When I refused to pay this, George proceeded with vulgarities and piss poor behavior. I will never do business with them again, they are untrustworthy and probably should not be in business at all.
Do you know where to get VMOTO scooters service? Unfortunately, we bought one from VMOTO in Annapolis and they are now out of business. Any referrals would be greatly appreciated!
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