I used to think that my next logical step in terms of my two-wheeled evolution was a motorcycle, mainly because of it's increased power, and foray into yet another two-wheeled society. To me the two world's are different, not better or worse, just different. I'm not sure anything illustrates that better then the Orange County Chopper segment a few posts back that involved the Tuttels and the New York Scooter Club. These people are similar, they get a long, but they are different and little snippents of contempt can be detected every now and then, but always kept "in the family" of those who ride on two wheels. That is to say the two wheeled respect is usually always given by each member of the family even though big brother likes to crap on little brother every now and again just because he can. haha
But I digress and bring it back to the BV. This thing is powerful! At 460cc's it's going to blow away most entry level motorcycles. Plus it keeps the carefree wimsy, and euro style of a scooter. Is this my next evo?
Baltimore Traffic beware ... we will carve you and begone in stylish fashion before you know what hit you.
BV Tourer 500
Baltimore Traffic beware ... we will carve you and begone in stylish fashion before you know what hit you.

BV Tourer 500
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