This morning as I shot down York Rd on my way to work (i had it up to 50 by the way)... somewhere around the shopping center with Panera my nose was filled with the unmistakable and endorphin releasing smell of donuts. And while this smell was only with me for a few seconds it makes you more aware, more connected... which of course then got me thinking about all the things I have experienced over the last month on my Vino that you just don't experience in a car.
OK so there are obvious differences you might expect even if you've never set foot on a scooter, like wind in your hair. But it's not as simple as all that, in broad terms what a scooter gives you is a heightened awareness of the world you're moving through...
For example sure I've felt the wind in my hair (but not much because I wear a helmet) but in that wind are the smells of donuts and all sorts of food... the difference between what the morning commute smells like and the afternoon... the change in the air temperature as the road you're moving down goes from sunny to shady,... the guy's cellphone conversation he doesn't realize I can hear because there's one less pane of glass between us... and then there's the humanity of it... the waves from scooters, bikers, joggers, walkers, and the 10 to 30 second conversations at stoplights which are usually about what else but my experience on a scooter haha. I guess my point here is that my Vino changes my commute from a boring routine to a series of experiences I've been missing out on until now.
By the way... an official hello to the north bound scoot on charles street at lake at about 7:15
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
1 month ago
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