HELLO SCOOTS! YES WE'VE GONE PURPLE FScootMaryland.com Meet. Share. Ride. ... a scooter blog

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The first shot of My Vino 125

Let the picture taking begin! This is the first pic of my actual Vino taken by Miss Pongratz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought my 2008 vino 125 in May, took a month to take my road test and get my motorcycle license and began commuting on it every day, parked my truck as well, and have 1200 miles on it; had first tune-up, plus it is fun to ride; most people are actually very friendly and, as most 250 cc and under are totally sold out w/in a 100 mile radius, obviously others are seeing the light, as well...

Will the current trend continue if gas falls further? who knows....

we can't ride here but six months a year at most....due to inclement weather....but it is nice to actually enjoy my commute for a change!!!! summer here is construction season, as well, and everyday I can scoot on back roads, I avoid the major construction snafus!!!!