The first is scooter sales sky rocketing, and people ditching their cars for scoots.
The second (and the focus of this little rant) are ones warning you of how DANGEROUS scooters are, and how you will certainly be the victim of a horrific accident. If I were a conspiracy theorist the amount of these articles would maybe smack of an SUV/OPEC conspiracy to scare the public away from these gas-sipping rides. Now I don't really believe that but I am really REALLY sick of these doom and gloom articles written by people who have most likely never even stepped through a scooter. Case in point this article. It starts off with a great title "Most dangerous thing about scooters is car drivers" and I'm like OK that's definitely right on and so I begin to read, and it quickly spirals into a scooter equals death rant. Ugh shut up!
Ok yes... if I were to be hit by a car on my scooter I would be in the very real danger of a life threatening injury, also if I stepped off the sidewalk in front of a bus I'd be in that same danger. My point is that there is a degree of risk in everything we do. And when you are on a scooter as any other moment of your life, you need to pay attention and look out for your own safety. As I ride I enjoy myself but at the same time I am also watching what other cars are doing, traffic signals, pedestrians, and am always on the look out for those pesky potholes (I'm looking at you Baltimore City). I know that even when I am wronged by a car I have to do the safe thing and protect myself. Just as in boating, the larger vessel, right or wrong, has the right of way. The best way to prevent any accident is to pay attention, and if it seems like someone might to the dumb thing, slow down and approach the situation with caution. Simple, easy, and it will keep you out of bad situations.
So long story short... drive defensively, pay attention, ride within your comfort zone, stay on roads appropriate for your scooter, have fun, and don't let the doom and gloomers scare you!
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