Congrats you've pulled the trigger and you have your new ride!
Now you've got to drive it home, and it's time to prove to yourself your decision was correct...
A few tips for your first ride.
I made the mistake of picking up the Vino during an evening weekday rush hour, and my only path home included some of the busiest roads in the area. Oh and did i mention there were storm clouds looming?
#1 - Choose your pickup time. So my first tip, if you're new to scooting, choose a pick up time where traffic is light and weather is good. Also a companion with a car to follow you home is not a bad idea either.
#2 - Practice at the dealership. Most dealers, Pete's included, have a sizable private lot for you to practice on before taking to the mean streets. I spent a good 30 minutes scootin around before venturing onto Belair Rd at rush hour.
#3 - Take advice from those who know more than you. My sales person imparted a few basic two wheel rules to follow that I ended up keeping in my head and consciously practiced over my first few days.
A. When car drivers panic their instinct is to slam their foot on the brakes. On a scooter your brakes are on the handles, therefore slamming your feet down will break your legs and not stop the scooter. Practice resisting this urge!
B. Your right handle is your gas throttle and brake handle. Practice setting your wrist low on the throttle so when you reach for the brake you're simultaneously letting off the gas. It's very easy to increase the gas while trying to brake, needless to say giving the scooter gas while applying the break will not stop you.
C. To turn a car you turn the wheel, where as two wheeled vehicles turn more by weight shifting. His advice is to lean and look where you want to go, not where you've been. It might sound funny but it's 100% true.
D. Crappy roads. You may have driven down a particular road hundreds of time, but in your car you never notice how many potholes bumps and cracks there are the affects of which are much more problematic on a scooter. Really really really watch the road.
E. Check your tire pressure often. Those two tires are the only thing between you and asphalt. If you loose one tire in a car you'll most likely pull over with no problem. Loose one of two tires and you might as well just spend those few seconds praying.
Good luck and happy scootin!
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