The decision to go the two wheeled route was not an easy one for me. There was no shortage of opinions volunteered to me by countless friends and family members ranging from the comical to the serious. Even though I am a 28 year old adult who is pretty confident in his beliefs, these opinions still mattered to me and weighed on my mind.
The time between the day I first walked into the store and received my scooter education to the day I drove my scooter home was 1 week. On that first day I decided to put a small down payment on the Vino to hold it. This gave me (according to the fine print on Pete's Contracts) 7 days to either buy the scooter or get my deposit back.
During that time, the most serious argument presented to me was by my worrisome parents.
There was no doubt in their mind that this was my fate:

And not that I would have admitted at the time, but this was my primary fear too given that I had no prior riding experience.
Oddly enough what I have found in my 3 weeks of riding, most cars actually over compensate
and leave me a ridiculous amount of room. I'd like to think it's out of the kindness of their heart but I'm guessing it's more that they don't want to end up the defendant in a lawsuit, haha.
I mean look, of course you have to be extra mindful on a scooter. The first few trips you'll most likely are going to feel a little intimidated by the bike itself, and the traffic moving around you. But like any new thing, this will pass as your comfort level and experience grow. And lastly just always remember a little piece of driving advice my mother always gave me: assume the other guy is always going to do the wrong thing.
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